Deep Cleaning Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

July 5, 2023

Spring is usually when most people do their deep cleaning and household reset.  But really, any time is a good time to reevaluate, organize, and set new goals. This might mean adopting healthy new habits, recommitting to things you let slide, and learning how to reset your mindset. 

Let’s explore the importance of developing a deep-cleaning seasonal mindset for your mind, body, and spirit!

Why a Growth Mindset is Important?

In our youth, we are provided with ample opportunities to explore new areas of interest and self-improvement. As adults, these opportunities are ones we must pursue on our own. 

We will inevitably learn and grow navigating the changes and opportunities life brings our way. On the flip side, if we don’t seek growth with intention, it can take more time and effort to achieve our goals.

By developing a growth mindset, you are actively investing in yourself, your dreams, and your goals. Achieving your goals presents a challenge that is sometimes exciting and sometimes intense—but you’re worth the effort!

How to Set Your Intention? 

Before you begin, allow me to share the questions I ask myself before I set my intention and map out my goals. Just like you, I had to commit to educating myself, shifting my lifestyle, and putting in the time to ensure I was working towards the best version of myself.

The questions below ensure your goals are your own and that they are personalized to where you are currently in your life:

  • Does this make sense for me?
  • Why am I doing this?
  • Is this what I want?
  • Am I excited about this?
  • What are the possibilities?

#1 Organize and Clear the Clutter

Let’s begin with the first thing that usually comes to mind when we think of deep cleaning—organizing and clearing the clutter. This deep cleaning seasonal mindset is popular in the spring, as it’s the perfect time to metaphorically remove weeds and plant new seeds. But you can jump in whenever you’re ready. 

Clearing the clutter isn’t just to impress guests, but also to minimize the negative impact clutter has on all areas of life. 

Studies find that:

  • The visual distraction of clutter can cause stress and anxiety which decreases productivity. 
  • The time it takes to find what you are searching for further decreases productivity. 
  • Chronic clutter that causes chronic stress raises cortisol levels, negatively impacting whole-body health. 
  • Clutter can trigger coping and avoidance strategies, including comfort eating. 

Even if it’s just your closet or home office, set aside the time for a full or incremental session to sort and reorganize your space. 

Be proactive—take a proactive approach by setting up a donation bin in a closet or the garage. Toss things in as you realize they are no longer serving you. 

#2 Purge Your Pantry and Cabinets

Food items in the pantry are often forgotten when dee cleaning. This goes beyond recommitting to your nutrition by tossing tempting snacks and junk food—to assessing everything within. Beyond food, don’t forget that makeup, skincare, and beauty products expire and can be toxic or irritating if used once they’ve expired. 

  • Check the expiration dates on canned goods and other shelf-stable items. 
  • Donate or use shelf-stable items that are close to expiration, so they don’t go to waste. 
  • Check your spices to ensure they aren’t clumpy and are still fragrant and flavorful. 
  • Don’t forget to check condiments in your fridge and frozen foods in your freezer. 
  • Check the expiration date on skincare and beauty products.
  • Even if they haven’t expired, if skincare products have an unpleasant smell or inconsistent texture, toss them.  

Be proactive—when you purchase new skincare products or food items, always rotate the older items to the front. 

#3 Meal Plan

Meal planning isn’t only a commitment to your nutrition, but it can ease the stress in your week. If it’s helpful, use a digital or printed meal planner.

  • Map out how many meals you need to prepare at home this week.
  • Determine what go-to and new recipes you want to prepare.
  • Identify recipes with similar ingredients and meals with the same side dishes.
  • Order or shop for groceries, prepared meals, deli items, and meal kits. 
  • Chop some of your fruits and veggies up to 3 or 4 days in advance.
  • Prepare grains in bulk up to 3 or 4 days in advance. 

Be proactive—double some of your recipes so that you have leftovers later in the week or to freeze and eat in the next 3 to 4 months.  

#4 Feed Your Spirit and Soul

It’s not the first thing that comes to mind when you consider how to reset your mindset, but feeding your spirit and soul impacts your whole-body health and wellness. 

What you choose to meet your spiritual needs is unique to you and may change during different times of year or seasons of life. 

A few options to consider include:

  • Gratitude journaling at the beginning or end of your day with a list of 10 unique things to be grateful for.
  • Pampering yourself with massage, manicure, pedicure, and other spa services, prioritizing those that alleviate physical and emotional tension.  
  • Spending time outdoors and in nature, including both rest and relaxation and physical activities. 
  • Giving yourself ample time to participate in things that bring you joy, including sports, hobbies, and trying new activities. 
  • Spending time in worship and in community with those who lift you up and fill you up, as you do for them. 
  • Identifying personal areas of development and committing to therapy, books, classes, and training.

Be proactive—schedule time for wellness in, otherwise it may fall to the bottom of your to-do list. 

These deep-cleaning seasonal mindset shifts are perfect any time of year you want to reevaluate and reset!

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